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Foreign Travel and Astrology

With the progress in science , the transportation and communication industries have expanded and have made travel much more easier than they used to be years ago (when boats were the only mode of travel for overseas). This has made the world much smaller and brought the people much closer than before. Everyone now wants to make a trip to a foreign country for various different reasons. Foreign Travel Astrology can help determine if the trips will occur, for what reason they will be, and will they be fruitful.

In Foreign Travel Astrology, 9th and the 12th house in a chart indicate any relation to foreign land. If the sign which suggest movement (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) or the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) govern these houses or the Lords of these houses, then a travel to a foreign land is suggested.

Foreign Travel Astrology
The nature and success of travel can further be determined by evaluation of planets present in these houses.

In Foreign Travel Astrology, if the 4th house is placed in the 9th house, and if the sign governing the house is either a moveable one or a water sign, then the person maybe traveling to pursue education as 4th house is the house of primary education.

In Foreign Travel Astrology, if the 4th house lord is present in the 12th house, again, is governed by moveable or water signs, then the person may find living abroad more fruitful and peaceful.

If the 5th house lord is present in either 9th or 12th house, then the person may travel abroad for professional reasons, based on his skills as per Foreign Travel Astrology.

Apart from the position of the planets in the houses and signs, the dashas can also suggest long term or short term travel abroad. Foreign travel is suggested if, there is a dasha of the 9th lord or the 12th lord.

Following rules are also applies in Foreign Travel Astrology..
If there is a dasha of planet which is in association with the Moon
If there is a dasha of Venus, Moon, or Rahu (as long as they are placed in the 12th house in the natal chart)
If there is a dasha of any exalted or debilitated planet
If there is a sub- dasha of Rahu or Ketu in the major dasha of Rahu
If there is sub-dasha of Jupiter in the dasha of Saturn (as long as Jupiter is 12th lord)
Or If there is a dasha of any planet in association with the 9th lord or when the period of sade-sathi begins in the natal chart.